What is Electricity?
![Model-of-atom [Converted]](https://energysafekids.org/nipsco-electric/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2018/09/Model-of-atom-Converted-2.jpg)

- Static Electricity:
- Negative charges build up in the Earth’s atmosphere when there is a storm. The release of energy, as light and sound, is lightning. Those negative charges find a pathway to the ground or another object, like when people are released from a gate to find their seat on a roller coaster.
- Potential Energy:
- Energy waiting to be released, such as a lake or a pool of water in a reservoir behind a dam.
- Kinetic Energy:
- Energy in motion, such as the water falling or flowing over a dam.
- Electricity is kinetic energy because electrons move or bump into each other as their negative charges flow to a circuit or an electric device.
Conductors and Insulators

Electricity flows through materials called conductors. Most metals are conductors of electricity, that is why wires are made of metals like copper and steel. Another conductor that many people do not think about is water.
Think of a time when you were swimming outside while a thunderstorm was approaching. Were you told to get out of the water? That is because there could be lightning and lightning is static electricity. It could strike the water and the electricity would flow through your body, which also means you are a good conductor of electricity!
Materials that do not conduct electricity well are called insulators. Some examples of insulators are wood, glass, plastic and rubber. The rubber or plastic coating on the wire protect us from the flow of electricity through our bodies.
How is Electricity Generated and Transmitted?
Electricity is a secondary energy source, which means it is generated from a primary source, usually a natural resource such as solar, oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, water or wind. Currently, most electricity in the United States comes from steam-powered generating plants that burn fossil fuels (coal, oil or natural gas) or use nuclear energy to heat water, thereby producing steam.
At NIPSCO, we’re transitioning to lower-cost, cleaner energy sources, including wind and solar. By shutting down our coal-burning plants, we’ll save our customers money and reduce our carbon emissions by more than 90 percent.
Energy generated from the wind and sun, through wind turbines and solar panels, is sent through power lines, which can be above or below ground.

How is Electricity Used?

We use electricity in many ways every day. There are four energy sectors in society: residential, commercial, industrial and transportation.
The largest single use of electricity in U.S. homes (residential sector) is for air conditioning followed by water heating, lighting, space heating, refrigeration, TVs and related electronic equipment, powering computers, and washing and drying clothes. (https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/use-of-energy/homes.php)
At NIPSCO, we have programs that can help you save energy and money through energy efficiency. Unplugging your electronics charger while you’re not using it or and switching out old light bulbs to more energy efficient ones are a couple ways you can be more efficient.