PPL Electric Utilities is sponsoring classroom Electrical Safety Presentations
WHAT: Energy Safe Kids is a unique, highly engaging program (45 – 60 minutes) designed to encourage 4th grade students to THINK! and Talk! about electricity and how to be safe around them whether at home, at school or outside. Students will learn the basics about electricity and safety as well as receive and take home an Energy Safety booklet that encourages the student to “Live Smart” and Take Action! by following energy safety precautions at home and at school.
Each teacher will receive a collection of teaching materials that includes a teacher guide and instructional posters. Materials are correlated to state core content in Science and Technology, Environment and Ecology, and Health. Our energy experts come into the classroom and teach the lesson for you!
WHEN: All sessions will be between May 4 – 13, 2015
LOCATION: Your school
WHO: 4th grade
COST: The presentation and all materials are at NO COST to the school.
Click here to register
*Note: In order to participate, your school must be in PPL Electric Utilities’ service territory.
For more information or questions, please contact National Energy Foundation at 1-855-494-2941 or email [email protected].